13 May

Guatemala Stats Summary

Well, we didn’t get to visit Guatemala City, but it seemed like a happening place from what little we saw from the freeway. Some familiar shopping: Forever 21, Zara, and Avon ladies on parade… Here are our stats from country #2!

Total days spent in Guatemala = 10

Distance traveled in Guatemala = 317 mi / 510 km

Total Trip Distance To-Date = 3,958 mi / 6,370 km

Costs (in USD):

To enter Guatemala = $24.92 (Includes approximately $20.00 to import car for 90 days)

To exit Guatemala = $0.13 (for photocopies only)

Bruno Parts & Maintenance = $0 (Woohoo! Helps average out the almost $400 we spent in Mexico…)

Food = $191.15 (About 30% restaurants and 70% groceries)
Food divided by 10 days = $19.12 per day, $9.56 per person per day.

(Our analysis of food costs is as follows – back home, we ate low-carb Paleo as much as possible, and with grocery shopping, it’s been easy to stick to meats/veggies/fruits. This however, probably doesn’t align itself with the “cheap eats” of Central America, which relies on staples like rice, beans, corn. As long as we’re within budget, we’re happy. Just know that yes, it is possible to eat much cheaper than we are showing here.)

Percent Camping = 0% (wah-wah)

Percent Hotel/Airbnb = 100%

Total cost of Hotel/Airbnb = $303.75 (Average cost per night = $30.38, over $10 less than Mexico.)

Gas for Bruno = $63.76 (Averages out to about $3.09/gal or $0.82/L at the end of April. There is a greater variety of gas stations: Texaco (Chevron), Shell, Puma, and the prices are advertised so we can shop around – unlike in Mexico.)

Costs of what we have titled “funfunfun” = $10.88 (Includes mainly a couple tuk-tuk rides and the lancha boat rides across Lago Atitlan)

New category that doesn’t really belong in “funfunfun” is Travis’ medical bill & prescription = $36.78

Total costs for Guatemala = $631.37

Cost per day (10 days) = $63.14

Much less than our $100/day limit and significantly below Mexico’s daily spend of $93.58. We are happy with our spending in Guatemala. There are certainly many fun things to do that could have increased our spend – Volcano hikes and overnight camps on mountain tops. We had our fun with fancy foods and fancy private hospitals.

Other Interesting Stats:

# of Guatemala ‘department’ lines crossed = 9 out of 22

# of unhealthy trips to the bathroom = 25

Stops by cops = 1, our last day in the country! Thankfully very uneventful. Checked the usual documents and we were on our way.

Hit and runs = 1 (Amanda says “More of a light side-swipe, and that van was already messed up, and why are the streets so small?!”)

Cost to have a nice lady wash, dry & fold two lbs of our laundry = $1.88
